Online tickets sales end Saturday March 14, 2015 at 5:00pm. Tickets will be available at the door the day of the event begining at 11:00am March 15th, 2015
The Calicon is a "fun-raiser" for a local non-profit, Safe Alternatives for Everyones P.A.L. Program. P.A.L., Police Activities League offers youth ages 5-17 the opportunity to participate in programs and activities that creates an environment where youth and law enfrocement are able to communicate with each other in a neutral environment to foster postitive attitudes and mutual respect.
sign up for the cosplay contest, smash tournament with $5 entry to win cash prizes, casual card playing area, Panels, artists alley, vendors: Anime Coast, Tokyo Japanese Lifestyle, So Cal Games and Comics, Hot Diggity Dogs and more.
This is a family friendly environment and we encourage "tasteful" costumes/cosplay. We discourage large handheld props, i.e. weapons. There will be a check in for your props while in the venue.